‘Divorce’ speculation circulated by Lewis Hamilton as questions are raised about his concluding the season with Mercedes

In February, Lewis Hamilton confirmed that this season would be his last with Mercedes, a decision that Naomi Schiff predicts will bring challenges for both Hamilton and the team in the upcoming months.

Schiff, a former F1 driver and current Sky Sports pundit, has indicated that Hamilton’s departure is likely to create complications. Hamilton, 37, announced his move to Ferrari at the end of the season, a surprising turn given his recent multi-year deal with Mercedes.

Throughout his 11-season tenure with Mercedes, Hamilton has enjoyed considerable success, but Schiff anticipates turbulent times ahead, as discussed on the Sky Sports F1 podcast. She noted observable tension, citing Hamilton’s comments in Monaco about not out-qualifying George Russell for the rest of the season. Schiff believes this hints at an emerging psychological strain, akin to a “divorce” between Hamilton and the team, unfolding as the season progresses.

Schiff also pointed out that the relationship dynamics are bound to shift. Hamilton might find himself excluded from crucial meetings, with new parts likely being prioritized for Russell, especially since he is ahead in the championship. This situation could lead to doubts on both sides, with questions about Hamilton’s commitment and the team’s intentions.

Despite the anticipated challenges, there is a mutual desire for a positive conclusion to this partnership. Hamilton, reflecting on his season in an interview with CBS, emphasized his commitment to ending on a high note. He acknowledged the team’s hard work and expressed his emotional connection to Mercedes, a brand that has supported him since his early teens. Hamilton’s departure is not due to dissatisfaction or relationship issues but is part of a complex, emotional transition.

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