Lewis Hamilton names biggest F1 frustration as Toto Wolff gets off scot-free

Lewis Hamilton has expressed significant frustration with Pirelli’s current 18-inch tyres, highlighting them as a major issue in Formula One, even more troubling than Mercedes’ recent performance struggles.

Over the past few years, Hamilton’s chances of securing a record eighth Drivers’ Championship have dwindled, largely due to Mercedes’ decline in competitiveness. The team is now the fourth fastest on the grid, behind Red Bull, Ferrari, and McLaren.

Hamilton’s discontent with Mercedes’ performance is well-known, but he finds the tyres particularly problematic. The narrow operating window makes it challenging to maintain optimal temperatures, which affects performance. Ahead of the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, Hamilton commented on the situation, noting, “We’re working with a very narrow range of tyre temperatures. In my career, I don’t recall ever dealing with such a limited working window.”

He reminisced about previous eras where the tyres had a broader range of optimal temperatures, allowing for better balance and grip throughout a lap. “This is definitely my least favorite,” he remarked.

Earlier this year, there were discussions about switching to 16-inch tyres in 2026 to reduce car weight as part of a larger technical overhaul. However, those plans have been abandoned, and the 18-inch tyres will remain in use.

Hamilton is not alone in his dissatisfaction. Alex Albon also criticized the current tyres after struggling in the hot conditions at the Miami Grand Prix. He explained, “It’s more about tyres than anything else. It feels like China was the same. You drive faster but end up slower, so managing your tyres becomes crucial even in qualifying.”

The high temperatures in Miami further complicated tyre management, with Mercedes attempting an unusual strategy by using medium tyres during qualifying. Red Bull advisor Helmut Marko described this tactic as a “desperate” move. He explained, “Everyone tried to find an advantage, but the tyre characteristics were unpredictable. Teams experimented with different air pressures and warm-up phases, but nothing seemed to work.”

In summary, the current generation of tyres has proven to be a significant challenge for drivers and teams, adding another layer of complexity to the already demanding world of Formula One.

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