“Lewis Hamilton Speaks About His ‘Massively Emotional’ Mercedes Departure”

Lewis Hamilton has opened up about the unusual changes happening within Mercedes as he prepares to leave the team and start a new chapter with Ferrari. His departure announcement in February surprised the F1 community.

Hamilton has achieved significant success with Mercedes, securing 82 wins and six world titles since joining in 2013. His move to Ferrari, a “childhood dream,” signifies a major shift in the sport.

In the 2024 season, Hamilton faces a unique situation at Mercedes. He notes that the gradual transition, including restricted access to certain team activities and information, makes the change more complex.

Hamilton stresses that his decision to leave is driven by the desire for new opportunities, not dissatisfaction. He began his journey with Mercedes in his teens, and now, at 40, his upcoming move to Ferrari highlights the evolution and endurance of his remarkable career.

As he gears up for the new challenge in Maranello, his legacy with Mercedes remains a significant part of his story. Reflecting on his time with the team, Hamilton told CBS’s Gayle King, “This journey has been incredibly emotional because I have so much love for this team. I’m not leaving because I’m unhappy or due to relationship issues. They’ve supported me through everything, making this transition quite unusual.”

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